About us.

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What does a home mean to you?

When you think back across history, homes have always been one of the most important ingredients to our survival. They’re more than a place we sleep at night - homes are the place we can finally relax after a hard day, they see us through family milestones, safeguard our most important possessions, and provide a shelter to weather the (metaphorical and literal) storms of life… or at least, that’s what we think good homes should do.

Experience tells us that when a home is expertly crafted, personalised, and built to the highest of standards, it can improve the quality of people’s lives… and that’s what we’re in the business of doing.


Since June 1984, Upper Harbour Builders has completed over 120 new homes and custom alterations.

We’ve created large bespoke family homes, renovated historic houses, re-clad leaky buildings, and completed kitchen and bathroom make-overs. The high calibre of our workmanship has been continuously recognised. Since 1993, Upper Harbour Builders has been a Registered Master Builder, and we’ve been awarded a silver in the Master Builders House Of The Year awards twice.

UHB values working as a team, and that includes you. We believe that creating a home that meets your needs and is as stress-free a process as possible requires relationships built on cooperation and trust. That’s why we are oriented to building strong collaborative relationships with you, as the homeowner, the architect, the interior designer, and whoever else is working with us towards your dream home.

Our team of Licensed Building Practitioners (LBP) can undertake any restricted building work*, and offer the Master Build 10 Year Guarantee for all work, giving you confidence in our craftsmanship and peace of mind. 

*Restricted building work is any structural or weather tightness work. The council require a Licensed Building Practitioner to complete this work, given the risks involved.

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Meet the team


Peter Carr

Peter is the Director of Upper Harbour Builders. Right from the word go, he’s had a love of creating structures, and solving complex technical problems. After an education at Dilworth that kindled these curiousities, Peter headed to the Devonport dockyards to begin his joinery apprenticeship. In 1981, Peter was awarded with his Trade Certificate and, a year later, his Advanced Trade Certificate. In the mid-80s, Peter started Upper Harbour Builders out of a desire to build premium homes with more care and consideration than he saw elsewhere in the market. Peter loves being able to create homes that positively impact the lives of the people who live in them. He takes pleasure in knowing that his customers are comfortable, safe, and happy in their new or renovated homes, and works diligently to ensure that this is the case. In his spare time, Peter loves to cycle. In fact, he loves bike riding so much that in early 2020, he rode the length of NZ in 30 days. Peter is like a Saint Bernard - loyal, hardworking, and very grounded - he’s a great man to have on the job.


Michael Carr, BSc

Michael is the Site Manager of Upper Harbour Builders. He grew up around building sites, and—while his first word wasn’t “hammer”—he has always had an inclination towards carpentry. This inclination, coupled with his meticulous attention to detail and considered nature, has made building a natural choice for Michael. After completing his Bachelor of Science in Geography, Michael completed his National Certificate in Carpentry in 2016. He enjoys (and is particularly good at) identifying problems, thinking about how solve them from multiple angles, and then actioning solutions in order to make it all come together. In his spare time, Michael likes reading Makita catalogues, Lee Child novels, and The Rosie Project series. He’s also an avid cyclist too.


Maree Carr

Maree is the in-house kitchen and bathroom designer for UHB. Maree’s 20+ years in the design industry have provided her with extensive product knowledge, and an ability to create functional and pleasing designs across a wide range of budgets. However she doesn’t just design kitchens, sculleries, and laundries, Maree also creates vanities and entertainment units. Maree believes that good design is not just about creating the aesthetic you want, but also about creating a space that functions practically. To that end, she has mastered the art of balancing functionality with good design. Maree loves being able to make the central part of a home a more practical and pleasurable place to cook, socialise, and interact.


If you’ve got an idea for your dream home, give us a ring today. Let’s start working together to make those dreams a reality!